Kyle Goldie vs Amy & Jordan: Wedding Photography Business Course Showdown

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A Showdown of our Favourite Wedding Photography Business Courses and Why they are worth it

Personal Development Junkies

Okay so we love a lot of things, but nothing fires us up more than education. We are personal development junkies. How to be the best you, how to have your best year yet… it’s all right up our alley. We also love to read books about time hacks and financial freedom (any Dave Ramsey fans out there?). But when it comes to finding GREAT wedding photography business course options, they seem to be fewer and far between. These days everyone is offering a wedding photography course, and droves of photographers are shelling out a lot of cash to level up. We have expectations that if someone is selling a wedding photography course, they must be an expert. That’s just not true. And a lot of photographers have been burned, jaded, and turned off from investing in any education.


The Kyle Goldie Course versus Amy & Jordan’s

For years we’ve studied posing, lighting, and shooting and editing techniques. We’ve also invested in wedding photography business courses. Which ones are the best ones? We are sharing our two favourites, but keep reading to see which one we would pick if we could only pick one!


Review of Amy & Jordan Demos’ Wedding Photography Business Course

We have long been a fan of these two. Their courses are pure GOLD, and it doesn’t hurt that they have hearts of gold as well. They are successful for a reason: they know that it all comes down to how you treat people, and how you make people feel. They built their way upwards with a reputation of working hard and truly caring for others. Their example inspires so many photographers, and honestly, we find that AJ Students are some of the kindest photographers out there. We think it’s because what’s on leadership always flows downward, and these two are marked by incredible character.

Their business course is tangible and embodies a philosophy of leading by serving. This is a concept we so get. After we married, both Dylan and I attended Hillsong International Leadership College in Sydney, Australia. We learned how to steward the little and how to build up others. You influence others and build a successful business by putting others first (with a boundary).

A lot of the concepts and action points require some marinating but that’s because they are foundation-building for long-term success. The action steps provided go deep and wide, and some can easily feel like big projects onto themselves, because sometimes they are. If you are looking for a strong foundation and strategies on running a business and putting people first in a way that you cannot ever lose, this is the way to go. Amy & Jordan are all about foundation building, and in an industry that can be so focussed on making money, they are a breath of fresh air and point to how there is so much more to having real success in the industry.

The Amy & Jordan business course is currently closed for registrations, but definitely sign-up to get on the waitlist! (Note: AJ no longer do an affiliate link for the business course but it is 100% worth it!) 

*We have some links at the bottom for information and a discount code for their courses!* 


Review of Kyle Goldie’s Course: Elevate Business Mastermind

Click here for a referral link to Kyle’s course.

We learned about Kyle Goldie through a great photographer friend. And after all of our education investments, we were kinda skeptical at first. We loved Amy & Jordan and couldn’t imagine a next step. The previous “Book More Weddings” title definitely captured our attention! But sometimes you get a little fatigued by all of the promises that you hear from course providers. Can I get an amen? When we heard how our friend finally went full-time using Kyle’s content, though, we did the math. If we got *just one* wedding because of what we would learn through Kyle Goldie’s course, the course would more than pay for itself. We now attribute our ability to launch towards our full-time dream to Kyle’s Business Mastermind. It has delivered in spades. Specifically highly actionable no-fluff get-it-done content on such a huge spectrum of topics.

If you want to ramp up your ability to serve dream clients, Kyle Goldie’s Business Course can take you there, and really quickly – as quickly as you are able to work through the step-by-step content. As soon as you can take the steps, you’ll start seeing results. You can absolutely tell that Kyle has poured his more than 10 years of expertise in the wedding industry into this course. He serves his students with his mix of straight shooter advice and personalized care (yes, he is very active in his student’s Facebook group and also hosts FREE group coaching calls)! It’s like having a business coach (BAZINGA!). Although Kyle does not take the same deep and wide approach of Amy & Jordan’s course, it is highly accessible and EASY to get stuff done and skyrocket

Kyle Goldie Elevate Business Mastermind Course Info Graphic

Battle of the Business Courses: The Kyle Goldie Course vs AJ

So what is the biggest difference between the two? I think it all comes down to the fact that these two courses are built by experienced educators with two very different DNAs. Amy and Jordan have a teaching background and are really gentle, encouraging, and focus a lot on the power of relationship building. They teach in a nutshell that success comes over the years, with patience and determination, and place a big emphasis on being humble and kind. Kyle is a business genius with a really high level of ambition and has a perfect coaching personality. He teaches shortcuts, and that business success in the wedding industry can be a lot it is simpler than most people think. Both are so important.

Although it’s hard to pick one wedding photography business course (if we absolutely had to!), we are biased towards Kyle Goldie’s Business Mastermind. We give a lot of credit to Amy & Jordan for the foundation they’ve provided (yes, we are Trifecta students of theirs, and we have taken their AMAZING posing, shooting and editing, and business courses). If you can take Amy & Jordan’s courses, you will be a better human, photographer, and business owner (the range of courses are so worth it!). Kyle’s course however takes a more no-nonsense kick-in-the-pants approach and gives you all the steps you will need to authentically attract your tribe and live your wedding photography dream (in record time). His course content is what helped propel us forward and we are grateful for the chance to learn from both Amy & Jordan and Kyle Goldie.


Check out our review of Kyle Goldie’s Business Mastermind (Formerly Book More Weddings Course) Below!



Referral Links & Codes for our Favourite Courses!


To join Kyle Goldie’s Photography Business Mastermind, click our affiliate link here. T get a discount off of Kyle Goldie’s Presets and Showit Templates, enter the code ROCKSTARMARTIN for 10% off!


Amy & Jordan’s Friends & Family Discount links:


Read more about running a wedding business


Married photographers, donut lovers, and obsessed with our squishy kids and doing this dream job of ours. We're so glad you're here! Inquire about your Date.



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For Photographers


"Dylan & Sandra were incredible! We're not naturally comfortable getting our pictures taken, but they made us feel at ease. They captured the feeling of our wedding... When I look at the pictures it transports me right back. It's been such a precious gift!!"

When I look through the pictures IT TRANSPORTS ME RIGHT BACK"

meet your photographerS

We are so blessed we get to do our dream job for a living. Capturing the authentic beauty of your love story so long after, you and the generations to come have a timeless reminder of just how significant it is. We live for real moments, serving our couples with light-filled, elevated imagery and an experience that is customized and centred around you. 

Suckers for a good love story, we believe the classics will always trump trendy, and definitely consider donuts to be a staple of the good life.