He wove his warm hand into hers. The cold air nipped and played with her hair…



An Intimate Woodstock Courthouse & Château La Motte Elopement

A bride and groom have a first look on their wedding day at Elsie Perrin Williams Estate in London Ontario

Wedding days fly by so quickly! Here’s how a first look can help you slow down, get more photos, and unlock your timeline!

Wedding Tips


What is a First look & Five reasons why you’ll want one

Bride's wedding dress hanging in the window overlooking the beach at their family cottage in Zurich, ON

Top Advice from Owner Erin Bouchard of Once a Time Weddings on how to pick your perfect dress

Wedding Tips


The Top 10 Best Tips for Wedding Dress Shopping

A pair of old souls get married in this classic Polish Italian Wedding in Hamilton, Ontario



Polish Italian Wedding at Michelangelo’s Banquet Hall in Hamilton, Ontario